Water Drainage Problems in Dishwashers

Water Drainage Problems in Dishwashers: Solutions for KitchenAid Models

If you own a KitchenAid dishwasher, you may have encountered a problem where the water does not drain completely after a cycle. This can be frustrating and unsanitary, as well as potentially damaging to your appliance. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix this issue. In this article, we will explain some of the common causes of water drainage problems in dishwashers and how to solve them for KitchenAid models. Need Kitchen Aid appliance repair in Santa Barbara. Get in touch with our dependable partner for exceptional repair assistance.

Before you start, make sure to unplug your dishwasher from the power source and turn off the water supply valve. You will also need some basic tools, such as a screwdriver, a pliers, and a flashlight.

  1. Check the filter

Most KitchenAid dishwashers have a filter to catch large food chunks or foreign items like broken glass. If the filter is clogged, the dishwasher will struggle to drain. To access the filter, remove the bottom rack and locate the filter assembly at the bottom of the tub. It consists of an upper filter and a lower filter that can be easily removed by turning and lifting them. Clean the filters under running water and remove any debris that may be stuck in them. Replace the filters and make sure they are securely locked in place.

  1. Clean out the sump area

The sump area is where the water collects before it is pumped out by the drain pump. Sometimes, food particles or grease can accumulate in this area and block the water flow. To clean out the sump area, you will need to remove the lower spray arm and the filter assembly as described above. Then, use a flashlight to inspect the sump area for any obstructions. You can use a small brush or a toothpick to clear out any debris that may be lodged in there. Be careful not to damage any components or wires in this area.

  1. Check the garbage disposal

If your dishwasher is connected to a garbage disposal, make sure that it is working properly and that it is not clogged with food waste. Sometimes, the dishwasher drain hose can get blocked by the garbage disposal plug if it is not removed during installation. To check this, disconnect the drain hose from the garbage disposal and look for a plastic plug inside the inlet. If you see one, use a screwdriver or a hammer to knock it out and discard it. Reconnect the drain hose and run the garbage disposal to clear out any remaining waste.

  1. Inspect the check valve

The check valve is a small flap that prevents water from flowing back into the dishwasher from the drain hose. If the check valve is stuck or broken, water may not drain properly from your dishwasher. To inspect the check valve, you will need to remove the access panel at the bottom of your dishwasher and locate the drain hose. Follow the drain hose until you find where it connects to a plastic housing that contains the check valve. Disconnect the hose clamp and pull out the check valve. Look for any signs of damage or wear and tear on the valve. If it is cracked, warped, or missing, you will need to replace it with a new one.

  1. Check the drain hose

The drain hose is what carries the water from your dishwasher to your sink or garbage disposal. If the drain hose is kinked, pinched, or clogged, water may not flow freely through it. To check the drain hose, you will need to remove it from both ends and inspect it for any bends or blockages. You can use a wire coat hanger or a plumber’s snake to clear out any obstructions inside the hose. You can also run water through it to flush out any debris. Make sure that there are no leaks or holes in the hose and that it is securely attached to both ends.

  1. Check the drain pump

The drain pump is what pushes the water out of your dishwasher through the drain hose. If the drain pump is faulty or jammed, water may not drain properly from your dishwasher. To check the drain pump, you will need to remove it from your dishwasher and test it for continuity with a multimeter. You can also look for any signs of damage or corrosion on the pump and its wires. If there is no continuity or if there are visible defects on the pump, you will need to replace it with a new one.

  1. Check the drain solenoid valve

The drain solenoid valve is an electrically operated device that opens and closes to allow water to flow in and out of your dishwasher. If the drain solenoid valve is defective or stuck, water may not drain properly from your dishwasher. To check the drain solenoid valve, you will need to locate it near the motor under your dishwasher and test it for continuity with a multimeter. You can also listen for a clicking sound when you start a cycle to see if it is working properly. If there is no continuity or if there is no clicking sound, you will need to replace the drain solenoid valve with a new one.

We hope that this article has helped you troubleshoot and fix your water drainage problem in your KitchenAid dishwasher. If you need more help or advice, you can always contact us or schedule a service appointment with one of our qualified technicians. We are here to help you with all your water appliance needs. Thank you for choosing rohlwaterappliance.com!